You haven’t tried our WarPigs classics yet? Well, you don’t have to travel all the way to Copenhagen. You can order them to your door.
Is an easy going, medium bitter Session IPA . This one works well for a chilled night. In case you wanna go crazy, then Lil’ Drunk’s big brother is your beer. This Double IPA is loaded with hops, creating medium to heavy sweet flavors and a bitter finish. Watch out, this Big Drunk Baby contains 9% abv, but you don’t really taste it.
These IPA’s are two of our originals from back then when we created the house beer recipes with 3 Floyds.
Which Baby are You?! Order here and find it out.
Monday to Thursday 12.00 to 24.00
Friday 12.00 to 02.00
Saturday 11.30 to 02.00
Sunday 11.30 to 23.00
All days 12.00 to 22.00
24/12 + 25/12 • Closed
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